Even Slow Progress is Progress

Never give up

As part of being a dentist I issue patients a small diary to write in when I fit appliances to help them stop snoring, the reason for this is so they can document and see the progress they are making with the no. of hours it is being worn each night and the level of snoring noted by partners etc (each person will be different in how quickly they adapt to wearing it) this way they will be able to see even if they are making only slow progress they can see it IS some progress and not be discouraged from continuing with its use even if it takes a while.

In doing this, recently I have realised how important that principle also applies to all goals and visons being worked towards…especially my own. 

You see a few years ago I launched an online business, I had big goals and visions around where it was going to take me including the person I was going to become and for a while I was on track with the success I was having…

But then a year or so in life got in the way, things happened that hit me personally and I got knocked off course, slowly but surely this derailment meant I stopped giving my business any attention and slowly I ground to a halt.

As time went on the procrastination continued more and more, I felt stuck, made excuses, I’ll do it tonight/tomorrow/next week until as fast as you know it a year has passed and I’m finding myself exactly where I was 12 months ago. 

I’m happy to say though that in all this time I never lost compete sight of my vision and thankfully the dying embers of my dreams and goals never became fully extinguished.

What I have to remember is this is life, shit happens to us all and this is how things end up. Maybe you can relate…maybe like me you have had some big goal and vision that for whatever reason you stopped working on and you stuck it on the shelf.

Maybe like me YOU never lost total sight of that vision and like me the dying embers of those dreams and goals never became fully distinguished. That said the thought of starting over just mad it all seem so hard. 

Slowly, by giving out these diaries, I realised if I had made serious and regular documentation of my journey I too would be able to see exactly how far I have come.

I came to realise that I am not starting over but in fact picking up from where I left off and that there is a huge difference. I am actually far more knowledgeable and experienced than when I first started and this is going to put me in great stead to achieve success quicker.

If you identify with any of this, do what I’m doing…take that project back off of the shelf NOW, acknowledge the achievements and successes you have already made and get back into it, this time make a journal along the way so you can see how far you have come.


I have worked as a dentist for over 20 years and branched out into more of an entrepreneurial role as I stand for for the fact that everyone should be shown how to live their best life physically, mentally and financially. My mission is to empower woman who feel stuck to re discover their passion and take action on their goals, to create a life of their own design free from financial pressures.