A few years ago, I was still trying to build myself back up financially after the divorce when my daughter became ill. Being left by myself to care for her I began to look for something else that would help earn a second income without the long hours. Something where I would be able to more have flexibility to be able to take time off for the hospital appointments without stressing about the drop in income (one income+self employed=stress) unfortunately working as a dentist isn’t something that can be done at home in my PJ’s

I came across an opportunity which ticked a lot of the boxes and whilst I had zero knowledge in the area the education and training I had access to was next level but despite this after the initial excitement I started to struggle.

I struggled with the doubts around whether or not I could do this, struggled with what people thought, what implications it had for my position of being a dentist an inner conflict thinking it was either one path or another….in turn what this meant with regards to my identity and who I was.

Deep down I feel all that doubt and conflict limited me from having the success I know is possible, I became frustrated and impatient with myself, then life got in the way and it became easier to just slow down, unfocus and let the momentum and energy drop…I began to feel like I was coming from a space of need and desperation rather than from a space of service and fun

And so….I just stopped trying and I gave up….

Whilst I stopped believing in myself, what I could be doing was always lingering there at the back of my mind, I never stopped believing in the business model or the financial success it could bring me.

So fast forward to present day and a shit load of inner work later I’m ready to pick up where I left off.

I have spent time working on how to drop self-limiting beliefs, fear of what others may think along with the notion that I can only be one or the other. I can be a dentist and have a successful online business, I can do both…I can have both.

Every day I am gaining more clarity around who I am, what I am capable of and the crystal-clear vision around the empire I am building for myself and my family.

An empire that brings in multiple streams of income, some passive from investments I’m making and some that require work and ongoing commitment/training for both my online businesses and in the dental world.

My goal is to create the wealth that allows me to do all the things I want to do, travel again learn to scuba dive, sky dive, master a new language, take dance classes to name a few. Life is about experiences and creating memories and that is what I intend to do.

So here’s a shout out to everyone reading this who like me is working on building their own empire and for what that looks like and means to them…..remember just because you may not be making progress as fast as you should be doesn’t mean you aren’t making progress

Never give up


I have worked as a dentist for over 20 years and branched out into more of an entrepreneurial role as I stand for for the fact that everyone should be shown how to live their best life physically, mentally and financially. My mission is to empower woman who feel stuck to re discover their passion and take action on their goals, to create a life of their own design free from financial pressures.