If not now, then when?

Seriously when will you??

Do you have a ‘when’, or maybe multiple when’s?

Below are some examples I have had and either overcome or still working through

I’ll read/write that book when….

I’ll look into making that investment when……

I’ll start writing regular blogs when…..

I’ll start a Facebook group when…..

I’ll launch a website when…

I’ll do regular FB lives when….

Yours maybe: I’ll leave that job I hate when….I’ll start going to the gym or working out when….I’ll sign up for that new course when…I’ll call that person when

The excuses behind the “when’s” are endless…..when I have more time, when I have more money, when I have a new partner, when my current partner gets on board, when I get more confidence, when I lose some weight, when the kids leave home, when the sun comes out, when, when, when…..

So what are you really waiting for, what is really holding you back, what are you really afraid of, what is really stopping you?

The answer is you…. Only you are stopping you from taking that first step, I certainly know I’ve been the block getting in my own way at times

It’s easy to think I’ll start writing my blog when I have people to read it, or I’ll start a Facebook group when I have people to join it but in fact the opposite is true, one of my mentors yesterday likened it to saying I’ll learn to play the guitar once the stadium has sold out….which made me laugh.

It also reminded me of the movie Field Of Dreams (I’m showing my age now) where Kevin Costner said “If you build it, he will come”.

In the movie he plays a farmer who was perceived by people either as a visionary or a deluded fool. He had a vision, an urge, a calling to build a baseball field in the middle of a corn field and (spoiler alert) so he did and ‘he’ along with other people came

If you have a vision, an urge, a calling…stay true to it ask yourself what “when” you have put on it and is it really justified (lets face it some are!), if not then work on discovering what is really holding you back, what is blocking you.

Once you identify that and you can find a way to break through it you will be capable of achieving so much more

So back to the original question….when will you?


I have worked as a dentist for over 20 years and branched out into more of an entrepreneurial role as I stand for for the fact that everyone should be shown how to live their best life physically, mentally and financially. My mission is to empower woman who feel stuck to re discover their passion and take action on their goals, to create a life of their own design free from financial pressures.