Water, Hydration and Health

We all know that water is essential for life, without it humans can only survive around 3 days. 75% of an infants body weight is water falling to 55% in the elderly which means prevention of dehydration is key to our survival

Whilst we can get water from certain fruits and vegatables that only makes up a small percentage of our consumption, the rest coming from drinking water, be it tap, bottled, sparkling etc but also carbonated in soft drinks, tea, coffee, alcohol etc

Our brain sends signals of thirst when the body has the need to drink something and occurs whenever it starts to become dehyrated.

Staying hydrated is important for our bodies to function on many levels. It controls the body’s process of temperature control through sweating. Water, or its lack of, will affect both our physical performance and our mental performance with even mild to moderate levels of dehydration having a detrimental effect.

Our digestive system, kidney function, heart function, skin and more will not be at optimal health if levels of water in our cells begin to drop showing that water is THE MOST IMPORTANT NUTRIENT OUR BODY NEEDS as it is the only nutrient whose absence will be lethal within a few days.

The importance of drinking good quality water is paramount with the recommended amount varying with age and how active you are throughout the day. The most common recommendation being 8-10 glasses/2L

So what are you waiting for….go pour yourself a glass of water (then drink it)

Ref: Water, Hydration, Health B.Popkin, K. D’Anci, Irwin Rosenberg and healthline.com


I have worked as a dentist for over 20 years and branched out into more of an entrepreneurial role as I stand for for the fact that everyone should be shown how to live their best life physically, mentally and financially. My mission is to empower woman who feel stuck to re discover their passion and take action on their goals, to create a life of their own design free from financial pressures.